Final touches as we get ready for opening

Final touches as we get ready for opening….Hopefully soon:)

Scott & I went from cottage to cottage and spent hours getting all the little cleaning jobs done. We pulled out all fridges and vacuumed and cleaned the condensers. Took all air-conditioners apart and cleaned the filters and the machines thoroughly. We cleaned all fireplaces and lit all pilot lights and the final little detail was taking down all the bathroom exhaust fans and thoroughly cleaning them. (Always amazes me how much dirt collects in those fans over the course of a season).

Fay and I have been leisurely spring cleaning a couple of cottages a day and I can tell you they are much cleaner than my own home currently:) The last thing I feel like doing, after cleaning for 8 hours, is cleaning our house. I’ll get to it eventually:)

We went for another boat ride this morning and even had an afternoon nap when it looked like it was going to rain. We’ve had a very dry Spring this year and we could use the rain they’re calling for this week. It’s currently cloudy and 22C outside. 
final air conditioner cleaned

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