Lousy Conditions January 10, 2016

January 10, 2016

WOW!!! Woke up to no snow on the front deck and our outdoor thermometer was reading 4.4C at 6 :00 a.m. I was a little surprised to see that @ 11:00 a.m. my outdoor thermometer is reading 5C….where’s the cold???

It looks as if it’s going to be a very messy day today with rain turning into freezing rain and then snow as the day progresses. Let’s hope we don’t get very much snow.  (Forecast is forever changing on how much snow to expect)

We were glad to see that there wasn’t any open water visible this morning. Scott is still measuring between  2.5″ to 3″ of ice.  This will be ideal as long as we don’t get a heavy blanket of snow. As you can see it currently looks like a skating rink out there.

Future forecast is a deep freeze so we are looking forward to growing some quality ice over the next week so when the guys start taking the huts out in 8 or 9 days they’ll have a solid base.



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