Forecast looks great for opening!

Forecast looks great for this upcoming long weekend.

Temps will range from 19C to 22 C from Friday to Monday this coming weekend with mainly sunny skies.

There never seems to be enough hours in the days leading up to opening. We’ve been working non-stop getting everything prepared for our guests. As I go through the cottages I’ll write a list of things still to be done. Our staff also writes a list of any issues they notice and then Scott & I will do the “walk around” to all cottages completing everything on the lists. We did this last night and it took over 3 hours to do all the “little things” listed on the lists. Finally got in around 9 p.m. last night and Scott just walked in now from working.(9:20 p.m.) He says he’s getting too old to work 13 hour days….Never thought I’d hear him say that:)

Scott’s been refinishing more patio tables, building the ladders for the new bunk beds in Baybreeze and getting set up to install a new septic pump. (Not glamorous but we try to be proactive so there are no issues when guests are here:)
Scott also picked up more sand and gravel so he can finish up the driveway tomorrow.


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