Spring project

Scott has completed his Spring project. The newly cemented fire pit area with the new Adirondack chairs is now complete and ready for our guests,
We have been putting in 6 to 8 hours a day for several weeks to ensure everything is functioning perfectly for when our guests arrive on May 17th.
Fay, Barb and I are in the midst of giving all cottages a deep cleaning.  This is our chance to take the extra time to ensure everything is ready for our guests! We’ve made sure that all dishwashers, air-conditioners and fireplaces are working perfectly. I had Scott put in a new air-conditioner in Stay-a-While Cottage as the one there wasn’t working up to par.
Scott has taken down all bathroom exhaust fans and given them a thorough cleaning, he’s cleaned all the condenser coils @ the back of all fridges, changed many of the stems in the kitchen and bathroom taps and has taken all dishwashers apart and cleaned them thoroughly.  Air conditioner filters have been taken out and cleaned and all fireplaces have been cleaned and turned on daily to make sure there are no issues.

These are but just a few of our spring processes:)  We look forward to seeing all of our guests soon:)

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